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Five BIG REASONS to forgive everyone for everything

Writer: Fla FlowerFla Flower

Updated: Apr 18, 2020

What I have come to realise through my 25 year journey of metaphysical study and application is that the force of forgiveness is for sure the single most powerful, transformative, healing force in existence at our disposal. So powerful it is in fact, that it has the ability to create permanent, radical, life altering transformation in the lives of those who are courageous and bold enough to apply it.

I myself have seen the force of forgiveness change an individuals entire character from that of a deeply struggling victim into a joyful, empowered warrior, and free them entirely from anguish and affliction. Large, all-encompassing life benefits can be reaped as the result of making one single life choice; to radically apply this force into our lives and relationships wherever necessary. The power of forgiveness has certainly had this effect in my own life to the extent that I have come to know of its mighty influence and understand it as an essential human quality for happy relationships.

Over the years I have had to implement it again and again for my very own survival. I have experienced it to be the ultimate challenger, requiring complete surrender of my egoic mind, and complete trust in my heart. Each time I had to study it anew in order to glean it's magic and power and administer it with sheer determination of will to receive its benefits. It has worked miracles in my life, and I now recognize it as an all wise and empowering choice that I endeavor to hold top most in mind in all of my human interactions. This is why I feel inspired to share the following five reasons why it is advisable to forgive everyone for everything -

Reason #1

When we hold blame, resentment or judgment against another person, event or situation, we hold ourselves captive, and we allow ourselves to be the prisoner of the other. We have handed over our personal power to the very subject that we have deemed as inadequate and this subject now has the ability to control our thoughts, emotions and actions by our mere thought of them. Resentment ultimately corrodes our ability to see the world clearly as our mind becomes clouded and our life experiences are then viewed through the lens of heavy, dense, negative energy. Harboring resentment towards another person creates an emotional chord that knots two individuals together, left to struggle this unfortunate discomfort until one of them becomes the wiser.

Reason #2

To forgive means to place ones own peace of mind and energy hygiene as the highest priority. Some people mistake the application of forgiveness to imply that the acts of the perpetrator are considered acceptable or excusable. No, not at all. On the contrary, forgiveness implies that the acts of the perpetrator are regarded as so entirely unacceptable by the person who felt wronged that by choosing to forgive they are choosing to become wholly freed and liberated from any and all association with the unredeeming behavior of the other. By forgiving they wash this experience out of their system and cut ties and bonds with the behavior of the perpetrator at the deepest level.

Reason #3

The extent to which we are able to forgive others for their misgivings is the extent to which we are able to forgive ourselves, as well as, the extent to which we are able to be compassionate and understanding towards others also directly correlates to the extent to which we can give these qualities to ourselves too. Conversely, the more we are able to forgive, understand and love ourselves, the more we are able to offer the same to others. Therefore it is in our best interests to treat others, as well as ourselves, with diligent care.

Reason #4

Planet earth is an arena for human beings to grow, learn, and make plenty of mistakes along the way. It is essential for us to be able to express who we are at our current level of understanding, which is very often clouded by our own pain, struggle and ignorance. Therefore we can have compassion for our fellow earth students, who like ourselves, are at times blinded by the pains and pressures that cause them to behave in harmful ways. When one human being inflicts pain on another either verbally, physically of spiritually, we can be sure that the inflictor is acting out of their own pain, lack of confidence, lack of self-worth or ignorance. By understanding that no human being is capable of getting everything right all of the time, we can more easily let go of grudges and resentments.

Reason #5

Do you live to die, or do you die to live?

Life is short and in order to get the very best from this embodied opportunity it is in our best interests to find a way to let go of our grievances towards others. We don’t want to end up dying with a heavy heart, as we will take that energy with us to the hereafter. We may not able to take our houses and clothing with us when we depart, but that which resides inside our hearts remains ours to answer for. The energy of forgiveness is itself life-affirming fostering inner joy, a strong immune system and inner peace, whereas resentment and blame are harmful energies causing toxicity in the human body, lowering immunity, vitality and overall well-being.

In order to forgive another person, it is first necessary to honor and express the pain, sadness, anger, rage or other associated emotions that the hurtful acts of the other elicited. These emotions have to be fully felt, seen and acknowledged and only then can the force of forgiveness be applied, and the extraordinary benefits and relief be reaped. These painful emotions need not be expressed directly towards the perpetrator, as this may create more harm than good. A short ceremony can help to dissolve resentful feelings by creating space to acknowledge and give airtime to our deep, inner sentiments.

I believe that If all of humanity knew just how much power this one force held, human beings the world over would be dreaming about it, studying it in detail, seeking to understand it at its greatest depths, embracing its power and applying it at every possible opportunity. And once fully experienced, they would then cherish it, feel awed by it, hold it sacred, emboss it, build sculptures of it, write books in honor of it and share it with everyone they know.

“The first to apologize is the bravest. The first to forgive is the strongest. The first to forget is the happiest.” - unknown



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