On one very significant day in my late 20's (which is quite awhile back now lol), I had an experience that completely changed the course of my life. I remember it well as if it was yesterday. I was going through an incredibly tough time; - my line of work was no longer fulfilling, my family relationships were greatly unhealed, I had terrible self esteem issues, my health was a source of concern, the list went on and on,.. On this day I found myself in the room of a healer whom I had tracked down online in my desperate search for help. The room was filled with the smell of incense and dotted with sparkly, feathery objects, and I was lying down on a thin bed while the healer sang, drummed and guided me through a process to clear an issue I had been struggling with for years. At some point during this process I underwent a profound re-connection to a highly familiar energy in the form of a spirit guide who's presence was so resonant that I could only but pay very close attention to him. Quite simply, my life has never been the same ever since that experience.
On that day, not only did I depart this shaman's house as a different person, having undergone my first deep soul spiritual surgery, this was also my very first conscious, waking encounter with a familiar spirit being who had so much love, guidance and support to offer me. Over the years, ever since then, I have been fortunate to have had many such encounters with unseen forces who arrived at timeous moments to provide me with information and understanding that made a pivotal difference to my inner peace, understanding and well-being.
Many years later, here now in May 2020, a year that has been ear-marked as a time of great transformation and possibility by diviners the world over, I bizarrely find myself in Vietnam, a country who seems to be fairly successfully navigating itself through this time of global unrest. With many services and shops currently re-opening over here, there is presently a spring-like quality in the air, and my guiding spirits are providing me with a sense of assurance that despite what is appearing outwardly in many parts of the world, there is indeed a divine purpose for this for each of us, as well as, for everything that is currently occurring on our planet, provided we keep our eye out for it. "Keep reaching for the jewel-like, polarized, counterpart imbedded within the mystery," my spirit team keep whispering this to me in many ways and forms.
The most exiting thing of all is that every one of us has the ability to connect with the spirit world and receive the support and understanding required to navigate through uneasy times, should they so desire. One needn't have some special skill or calling to learn how to receive guiding assistance from the unseen realms, only a willingness to keep trying until the connection is made.
I share herewith a few simple steps to get you going -
Firstly, set your intention. What would you like to ask your helping spirits? e.g. How can I improve my relationship with my partner? How can I be of help to the world right now? How can I best market my services online?
Next, go to a private, sacred space where you will be undisturbed for awhile. Sit peacefully and take several deep breaths and allow yourself to relax. The dimensions where the invisible realms reside exist at a different frequency to that of our normal waking state and therefore we need to change brainwaves from ordinary beta to invisible realms theta, in much the same way we do when we tune into a certain radio station. It can be helpful to use a form of percussion, such as a drumbeat or a rattle, to assist you to bypass your conscious mind and enter into the superconscious.
Once you have arrived in a different realm your spirit guide/s can appear in many forms. You may encounter just one, or otherwise several depending on how the spirits deem it best to guide and serve you. They can appear as beings, animals, mythological creatures, angels, gods or goddesses, deities etc. The key is to be open, and remain unattached while allowing them to communicate in the way that they will. Spirit guides, also known as guardian spirits, unseen allies or helping spirits, often communicate metaphorically. E.g. They may show you a lotus flower emerging up from the ground in reference to the emerging growth of your new business, or a firepit with ashes and burning flames to show you that previous outdated parts of yourself are currently being burnt to the ground. The messages they bring can be communicated visually, auditorily, kinesthetically or cognitively, or any combo of these, depending on your natural orientation, attunement and ability to pick up on extra-sensory information.
The benefits of opening up your communication channels with the spirits are immense, life changing, mind altering and far reaching. They are uniquely able to help where intuition is not, because they know all that has been and is now going on in your life, and are thus able to provide detailed guidance and instruction of much variety. Over the years I have laughed, cried, been awed and amazed by the experiences I have had while interacting with these unseen helping forces.
If you feel to get started on this journey, surviving and thriving in our current times will be a whole lot easier and more fun when consciously aware of, and in communion with, these loving forces! Feel free to get in touch if you are interested in learning more about direct spirit communication that has been practiced since humanities inception. I am also currently available to channel messages and answers to any life questions from your spirit team on your behalf, with the greatest of pleasure.