Shamanic healing addresses the spiritual aspect of a problem, unlike conventional psychotherapy which would address an issue at a mental or emotional level, shamanic healing takes place far beyond the mind at a fundamental and causal level.
For example, if a person is suffering from a particular malaise, let's say, they are feeling lost or confused about their work-life direction and they feel unable to make a clear decision. A shamanic practitioner will seek guidance and instruction from their spirit guides as to the underlying cause of the this issue, which may well be rooted deeply in a traumatic past event that had caused the person to feel stuck in their present situation.
In the sessions I offer, I undertake a divination journey prior to meeting a person, in order to tune into the wisdom of the spirit guides and receive the information and instructions required to assist them. Usually spirit guides will only reveal that which is specifically necessary for me to know, as well as, any information that will serve the client on their path going forward.
A client can also ask specific questions about themselves and their life path prior to a session, such as; what is my life purpose? who am I as a soul? how can I solve this difficult situation I'm experiencing? etc. I will retrieve whatever the helping spirits and angels have to share in response, as they are able to see and access the deeper layers of an individual's true soul expression.
Shamanic healing can assist with any kind of emotional, spiritual or mental struggle. All kinds of difficulties can be resolved such as; anxiety, panic attacks, addictive behaviours, feeling hollow or empty as if something is missing, feeling stuck in a co-dependent relationship, bad habits, emotional numbness, feelings of 'never having been the same again' since the occurrence of a traumatic event, PTSD (post traumatic stress disorder), persistent cravings, irrational fears, low energy, low resistance to infections, indecisiveness etc.
All these conditions indicate that something unresolved is occurring on a spiritual or energetic level that is contributing to the struggle.
Once a person has arrived for a session, consultation time is taken to further understand a person's situation and impart any necessary information and counseling required to precede the healing work. I may then use rattles, smokes and sounds to call forth the spirits and angels to do the healing work through me.
If you're curious about shamanic healing or you have any questions about whether or not it can help you, feel free to drop me a message. As I am currently still undergoing apprenticeship in Shamanic healing arts, these services are offered by donation.
